Dee's Archive
Uma Termas
Berlin, GE
identity, logo, website, development
Theo Ford, George Edge, Dennis McInnes
As part of our project with the artist Uma Termas, she wanted to include an archive of lost Nasa archive photography compiled by photographic researcher Dee R. This is a prototype we developed, however in the end we went in a slightly different direction.
The archive was collected by Dee in the pre digital era and spans over 25 years, and was used by key scientific journals, books and magazines, charting some of the most historically significant moments in Nasa history. However, once Nasa digitised it’s archives in the early 2000’s much of this physical material became obsolete. Uma Termas felt as though this collection of material was too beautiful and historically significant to be discarded, and went about digitising the original transparencies.

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The logotype is the free typeface Compacta, which has serious weight and can hold its own when overlaid over a varied body of images, and the supporting text is Helvetica Neue. The type and logo is treated in RGB green to contrast heavily when overlaid on top of images. The site is one long carousel of 200 images sequenced in a unique random order every time a user arrives on the site, with a counter on the cursor to indicate your progress. Each image is supported by a caption sourced from Dee R’s original archive detailing the subject of each image.

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